Friday, July 4, 2008

Two Words I Hate!!! Part B

The second word? Perfect. Mostly because man's idea of perfection is so often not in line with God's idea of perfection. I'm so far away from perfection in God's eyes I'm sure I don't even really know what I am talking about. When I talk about things being perfect, I'm talking about being so caught up in everything around you being perfect that you can't really live. Like a house always looking perfect (which I have tried to accomplish and have only discovered I am a miserable failure in this department) or plans always being perfect or always looking perfect or your car looking and running perfectly. Don't misunderstand me please. I love the word "excellent" which communicates that one is always striving to do their best work, whatever that may be, but it gives me a huge sense of freedom from perfection. I will leave perfection up to God and strive for excellence while I am still here.

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